Centering Prayer


Centering Prayer is a method of prayer coming out of the Christian tradition “ … that brings us into the presence of God and fosters the contemplative attitudes of listening and receptivity … [it prepares us to receive] the gift of contemplation by reducing the obstacles caused by the hyperactivity of our minds and of our lives … Centering Prayer is the Trinity living the divine life within us.”
– from Intimacy with God by Thomas Keating, one of the founders of Centering Prayer

Currently, we meet in the Reception Room (or in the Memorial Garden when warm/dry) at the Church of the Holy Spirit at 3:00 pm on Thursdays. Visiting us for the first time? Park near/adjacent to our solar array. Follow center stairs/pathway and come into the building/last door on your right. We also meet in the Sanctuary (or near the labyrinth when warm/dry) at the Federated Church of Orleans at 3:00 pm on Mondays. We do not meet on holidays.

Whomever you are, and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you to experience with us the deep intimacy of Centering Prayer.
